Call of the 1st Photography Competition METROPOLIS Festival


The cultural association “”, headquartered in Foggia, via Padre Angelico da Sarno 25, opens the 1st edition of the photography competition “Metropolis” during the Metropolis Festival in Matera (European Capital of Culture 2019) from 14 to 16 December 2017, in collaboration with the “Polo museale regionale della Basilicata”.

The photography contest involves a money award and the organization of a collective exhibition in Matera at Palazzo Lanfranchi, “National Museum of Medieval and Modern Art of Basilicata”.



Art. 1 Subject

The theme of the competition is the work, in every field and in every form, without neglecting the impact it has on social behaviours, lifestyles and architectural, urban context, etc.


Art. 2 Technique

The prize is open to all photographers, without limits of age, gender, nationality or qualifications.

Photographs will be accepted on an analogical or digital media, digital photographs.

Photographs will be printed at the expense of the association with equal measurements and supports for all participants. The competition involves the presentation of 1 or maximum 3 works per artist.



Art. 3 Jury

The Jury of the Photography Competition “Metropolis” will be composed of:

  • President of Jury: Bruna Rotunno, professional photographer
  • Artistic coordinator and Jury Member: Luca Centola, professional photographer
  • Jury Member: Antonio Andrisani, director, graphic and Art Director “Metropolis”
  • Jury Member: Marta Ragozzino, Superintendent of “Polo Museale della Basilicata”
  • Jury Member: Roberto Voza, Professor of Labour Law and Dean of the Department of Law, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”
  • Jury Member: Alessandro Ventura, PhD in Labour Law of University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Vice – President “”.


Art. 4 Awards

1st Jury Award: 500 (five hundred) Euros

2nd Special Mention (plate)

3rd Special Mention (plate)


Art. 5 Registration

Registration is free of charge.

Photographers can register at the latest on 30 November 2017, in the following ways:

  1. Online registration:
  • filling the online form available at;
  • filling the online declaration of responsibility available at
  • indicating the link (WeTransfer; Dropbox; ….) from which it is possible for the Secretary to download the photo files (TIFF imagines, at least 5 Mb, 300dpi)
  1. By post, sending a closed envelope marking “1st Photography Competition Metropolis” addressed to the Secretary of the Association “Statuto dei” at the following address:

via Lucana n.16, 75100 Matera, c/o Tipografia Liantonio.

The envelope must contain:

  • Signed registration form;
  • Signed Declaration of Responsibility;
  • USB key or digital support (CD, DVD) with TIFF images at least of 5 Mb, 300dpi.

All sent documents will not be returned. In the case of subscriptions with strongly obscene or defamatory material or affecting the viewer’s sensitivity, the Association reserves the right to remove them completely or in part.


Art. 6   Rating

The works will be evaluated by the Jury belonging to the Technical Committee, considering qualitative criteria, research and technical skills, and the relevance for the subject of the competions.

The Jury will make a first selection by identifying 20 photographers whose works will be exhibited during the collective exhibition at Palazzo Lanfranchi, the National Museum of Medieval and Modern Art of Matera.

The proclamation of the winners will take place on the occasion of the collective exhibition on 16 December 2017.

The exhibition will be organized and curated by the Association “”. The insurance of the works (optional) will be on individual participants’ charge.

Jury decisions are unappealable and unquestionable.


Art. 7 Responsibility

The Association “”, while ensuring the utmost care and custody of the received works, declines any responsibility for any theft, fires or damage of any nature to the works and persons who may occur during all phases of the event. Any eventual request for insurance relating to the works must be signed by the artist him/herself.

The Association “” reserves the right to make changes to the Call if it deems it necessary.


Art. 8 Consent

Participants have the right to renounce to the award without having to claim any form of compensation. In this case, the award will be re-allocated according to the Jury’s ranking.

Each artist holds the rights of the images and of the candidate works, but gives the Association “”, free of charge, all rights to reproduction, display, publish, communicate to the public in any manner and without exclusion, for their own works and lyrics.

The Association “”, in full respect of the author’s moral right, will exercise these rights for all the institutional communication activities relating to the competition and the related festival to which it is linked.

Each candidate expressly authorises the Association “” as well as its direct delegates to treat the personal data transmitted in accordance with Law 677/96 (Privacy Act) and subsequent amendments Legislative Decree 196/2003 (Privacy Code), also to the purposes of inclusion in databases managed by such persons.